Stay tuned for changes for the 2019-20 school year. We will be moving to Google sites!
The math SOL is scheduled for Thursday, May 23rd
SOL review has begun! The homework that your child will receive for the next 3 weeks will reflect skills that need extra practice before the SOL test on Thursday, May 23rd. If you need any help with the review skills, please scroll down and locate that skill on the page. You can also email me using the email link on the home page.
April 29th-May 3rd |
May 6th-10th |
May 13th-17th |
April 22nd - 26th
Students will be able to recognize, create, and extend geometric patterns.
April 15th-19th
Students will identify and describe plane and solid figures.
April 8th-12th
Students will learn about congruence and points, lines, line segments, angles, and rays
March 25th-29th
Students took their math CSA on Friday, March 22nd -- homework this week will be given at the teacher's discretion.
*3rd Quarter Math CSA is on Friday, March 22nd*
March 18th - 22nd
Students will be able to find the area and perimeter of various shapes.
Area - the measurement INSIDE of a shape. Area is used when painting a wall, laying carpet, or when thinking of how much grass you have to cut in your yard.
March 11th-15th
Students will understand liquid volume
Monday's homework is workbook pages 213-214
March 4th-8th
Students will understand length measurement. They will be able to measure to the nearest centimeter, half inch, and inch.
February 25th-March 1st
Students will understand that probability is the chance that something will happen.
February 19th-22nd
Students will continue to add and subtract fractions with like denominators and change improper fractions into mixed numbers.
February 11th-15th
Students will add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
Students will change improper fractions into mixed numbers.
Students will change improper fractions into mixed numbers.
We show students to change an improper fraction into a mixed number by creating a shape with the number of equal parts as the denominator (below it is 3). They then shade in the number of parts as the numerator indicates (below it is 7). They can then count up how many WHOLE shapes they colored in (below it is 2), that is the whole number. The last shape gives the fractional part (below it is 1/3).
February 4th-8th
Students will be able to compare fractions using the symbols for greater than, less than, or equal to (> < =)
January 29th-February 1st
Students will practice identifying and naming proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers.
*The 2nd Quarter Math CSA is scheduled for Wednesday, January 23rd*
January 14th-18th
Students will be able to tell time to the minute and find the elapsed time to the hour.
January 7th-11th
Students will be able to count/compare sets of bills/coins AND make change from up to $5.00
Mid-Quarter Math Assessment is TOMORROW 12/11
*Unit #4 Assessment THIS Friday, December 7th*
December 3rd-7th
Students will prepare for their unit #4 assessment by reviewing key skills: related facts, basic multiplication facts, 2x1 multiplication with models, and word problems with multiplication and division.
This week's HW is all review. Please scroll down if you need to refresh your memory on any concepts.
November 26th-30th
Students will use models to multiply a two-digit number by a number 5 or less.
**Nobody panic!! I know. This is NOT how we learned how to multiply. Watch the videos and work through it with your kids. They do not learn traditional multiplication (like we know it) until 4th grade. Maybe they'll teach you something new ;)
November 12th-16th
Students will be able to divide using number lines and equal groups.
November 5th-9th
Students will begin to learn and understand multiplication facts using models and arrays.
*1st Quarter Math CSA -- Wednesday, October 31st*
October 29th-November 2nd
Students will collect, organize, and analyze data using surveys and picture graphs.
October 22nd-26th
Students will collect and organize data using surveys and bar graphs.
October 15th-19th
Students will be able to estimate and subtract numbers up to 9,999 with and without regrouping.
When students need to find the estimated answer, they are expected to be able to recognize words in the problem like: about, closest to, approximately, and nearest in order to determine that they need to estimate before they subtract. See below.
When students are asked to find the actual answer, they are expected to be able to simply subtract the two numbers together as they are. See below. When regrouping, students should work through the problems one place (column) at a time only regrouping when necessary.
*Mid Quarter Assessment -- Monday, October 15th*
October 8th-12th
Students will be able to estimate and add numbers up to 9,999 with and without regrouping.
When students are asked to find the actual answer, they are expected to be able to simply add the two numbers together as they are. See below.
When students need to find the estimated answer, they are expected to be able to recognize words in the problem like: about, closest to, approximately, and nearest in order to determine that they need to estimate before they add. See below.
October 1st-5th
Student will recognize and apply related facts and be able to add using a 100's chart.
Directions for adding on a 100's chart is on tonight's homework in pretty good detail.
The jist for 37 + 26 = 63 is:
The jist for 37 + 26 = 63 is:
- begin at the first number in the equation --> 37
- go down two rows (2 tens or 20 ones)
- go over to the right 6 spaces (6 ones) to land on the sum/answer 63
September 24th-28th
Students will compare and order whole numbers 9,999 or less.
We teach students to either turn their notebook paper sideways in order to write in the columns or to use grid paper in order to line up and compare or order their numbers. See examples below:
Students are taught to stack their numbers in order to line up the places correctly. They then look at the front of the numbers in order to start comparing/ordering. Once a number is put in order, cross it out so that you can focus on what is left. 3rd graders do not order more than three numbers.
Due to missed days from Hurricane Florence, no new homework will be issued this week. Refer back to the week of 9/10-14
September 17th-21st
Students will round whole numbers 9,999 or less, to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.
September 4th - 7th
Students will read and write six-digit numerals and identify the place value and value of each digit.
This year, students learn place value up to the millions place.